On-Demand: Earning Trust in an AI Automated Network

Recording from Fierce Wireless’ Network automation week: Earning Trust in an AI Automated Network

Automation is undoubtedly poised to bring a variety of advantages for CSPs, but one of the biggest concerns amongst decision makers is trust. How do we trust an AI automated network to do what it is meant to do? A 2021 Forrester survey reported that trust was the biggest challenge to AI/ML adoption in telco – how can we trust a system when we are taking away oversight? Nothing takes longer to heal than a damaged reputation, and with so much riding on ensuring a fully autonomous is fit for purpose, CSPs need to be certain that their autonomous networks will not let them down. Therefore, essential questions need to be answered. How can CSPs maintain oversight of autonomous networks? How is success measured? Who is responsible for testing and integration? Join this session to answer the fundamentals questions.


Ildikó Váncsa: Open Infrastructure Foundation

Iren Berk Özalp: Türk Telekom

Shiv Putcha: GSMA Intelligence

Jennifer Yates: AT&T Labs

Host: Oliver Ward: Questex

To watch the session, sign up for a free account here and browse through the sessions available: Fierce Wireless Online Site

Sustainability Summit – Full recording and Slides from MWC Las Vegas 2023

GSMA Intelligence hosted the Sustainability Summit at MWC Las Vegas 2023 (September), where our expert lineup explored the key trends, technologies, and market dynamics shaping the industry’s sustainable future.

As the mobile industry is rapidly evolving, sustainability has emerged as the number 1 strategic priority for 85% of telco operators.

The sessions covered the energy implications and strategies for telcos and their partners that go beyond the RAN and core network, encompassing cloud, edge compute, passive infrastructure sharing, and more intelligent energy analytics, while it also shed light on the often overlooked financial element and incentives of the green pivot.

Thanks to our sponsors AMD, vechain, Intel Corporation and Arm for making this happen, and our stellar lineup of industry experts consisting of:

  • John Morris from AMD
  • Dominique Vanhamme from Lenovo
  • Cristina Rodriguez from Intel Corporation
  • Sunny Lu from vechain
  • Bhushan Joshi from Ericsson
  • Alexandra Rasch Castillo from Caban
  • Fernando Torres from Accenture
  • Jason Smith from GSMA Services
  • Stephen Rose from IBM
  • Moderated by Tim Hatt from GSMA Intelligence.

Watch the video via the embedded link or direct from the GSMA YouTube channel here.

To stay updated around our upcoming events, new content and latest data subscribe to our newsletter and get the latest news direct to your inbox weekly.

If you would like to explore sponsorship opportunities for upcoming GSMA Intelligence summits please get in touch.

Download GSMA Intelligence’s slides from Tim Hatt’s Session:

Satellite and NTN Summit – Full recording and Slides from MWC Las Vegas 2023

GSMA Intelligence hosted the Satellite and NTN Summit at MWC 2023 to explore the transformative impact of satellite networks, driven by the inclusion of satellite connectivity in Apple’s iPhone 14.

With expanding coverage from LEO operators like Starlink and OneWeb and the formalization of non-terrestrial networks in 3GPP standards, telco-satellite partnerships are gaining momentum, promising increased coverage and revenues.

This summit dove into the top strategic priorities and the emerging potential of satellite networks in revolutionising global connectivity. Our expert line-up explored their ability to drive substantial revenue impact across consumer and B2B/IoT segments while reshaping the competitive dynamics within the satellite industry.

Topics covered:

  • Strategic priorities for satellite integration in mobile networks (4G and 5G).
  • Technological advances at the chipset and device level.
  • Viable business models in telco-satellite partnerships.
  • Impact of satellite connectivity on internet access, customer adoption, and revenue growth.


  • Alex Sinclair, CTO at GSMA
  • Ken Peterman, CEO at Comtech
  • Anirban Chakraborty, CTO at Comtech
  • Bryan Helmick, Product Manager at Rohde & Schwarz
  • Parthsarathi Trivedi, CEO at Skylo Technologies
  • Mahmoud Khafagy, Director of Product Management at Lynk
  • Amina Boubendir, Ph.D., Head of Research and Standarization at Airbus
  • Paul Jacobs, CEO at Globalstar
  • James King, Sales Director at SES
  • Tim Hatt, Head of Research and Consulting at GSMA Intelligence

Watch the video via the embedded link or direct from the GSMA YouTube channel here.

To stay updated around our upcoming events, new content and latest data subscribe to our newsletter and get the latest news direct to your inbox weekly.

If you would like to explore sponsorship opportunities for upcoming GSMA Intelligence summits please get in touch.

Download GSMA Intelligence’s slides from Tim Hatt’s Session:

MWC Las Vegas – What did we learn?

Analysts from GSMA Intelligence, IBM and Boston Consulting Group came together to discuss their highlights from MWC Las Vegas 2023....

With over 380 companies displaying their latest innovations MWC Las Vegas 2023 came together showcasing  the hottest trends in mobile connectivity and digital innovation.

To wrap up the final day, analysts from GSMA Intelligence, IBM and Boston Consulting Group came together to discuss to following topics;

  • Which technologies and trends made significant strides, and which ones seemed to have hit a roadblock?
  • Which announcements and messages resonated with the industry, and which ones fell short?
  • What took us by surprise and what met our expectations?

Covering topics from Open APIs, to Satellite Connectivity and Enterprise Diversification watch the on-demand recording to catch up on all the MWC Las Vegas 2023 highlights, direct from the analysts!

Watch the full video above or over at the GSMA YouTube channel.

Session Speakers

  • Priya Kurien Global Telco Leader, IBM Institute for Business Value, IBM
  • Peter Jarich Head of GSMA Intelligence, GSMA Intelligence
  • David Martin Senior Partner, Boston Consulting Group

Stay up to date with the latest events, news and insights from GSMA Intelligence by subscribing to our newsletter HERE

Datapoint – Assessing Edge Computing Networks

The Automotive Edge Computing Consortium has partnered with GSMA Intelligence to evaluate the investments, challenges, and opportunities associated with Edge Computing Networks. Key players in the Edge computing value chain are expected to increase YoY investments in this area.

Edge computing is a crucial element of enterprises’ overall digital strategy and should be seamlessly integrated with other technologies, such as AI/ML. Listen to the datapoint from Silvia Presello, Lead Analyst from GSMA Intelligence who covers this topic in more detail.

Datapoint – Planned Network Sunsets

Did you know that 2023 is shaping up to be the year of network sunsets? We’ve already witnessed a total of 12 sunsets from 11 operators, including big names like Telkomsel and Telia-Denmark, and there are another 49 sunsets expected in the coming months.

With continuous usage of 2G networks for IoT, public and emergency services, operators are more likely to sunset their 3G services. But how many operators are planning to phased out their old-generation networks in the near future? Will the customers be impacted by this?

Listen on to the datapoint from Yashika Shankar, Research Analyst to hear how many operators are planning to sunset 2G and 3G services before 2030.

You can learn more about network sunsets through our Spectrum Navigator tool here.

Datapoint – MWC Las Vegas Preview

As we count down the days to MWC Las Vegas 2023, join our experts Tim Hatt and Peter Jarich as they sit down to discuss the upcoming event. Gain valuable insights into what’s in store and why this event is a must-attend for anyone in the mobile technology industry.

Meet the Hosts:

  • Peter Jarich – Head of GSMA Intelligence
  • Tim Hatt – Head of Research and Consulting

In the lead-up to this year’s MWC in Las Vegas, our analysts provide you with a sneak peek into the exciting topics and trends that will be in the spotlight:

  1. 5G Monetisation: Explore innovative strategies for capitalising on the 5G revolution and its impact on businesses.
  2. Enterprise Transformation: Dive into the digitization story and learn how it’s reshaping enterprises across the globe.
  3. Sustainability: Discover how sustainability is taking center stage in the mobile technology ecosystem and its implications for the industry.
  4. Non-Terrestrial Networks: Get ahead of the curve by exploring new network models and partnerships beyond our terrestrial boundaries.

Data Point – AI in Smartphones

Hear expert insights from Lead Analyst Anshu Goel in this datapoint created from our latest report “Advanced AI set to infiltrate smartphones, from hardware to software to apps” which you can download here.

Key insights include:

  1. Discover the impact of AI models on hyper-personalisation, accessibility, and security for an enhanced user experience.
  2. Learn how AI is bringing fresh functionalities to mobile apps in media, productivity, education, health, and beyond.
  3. Explore how advanced AI is revolutionising chipsets, boosting efficiency, and introducing innovations like virtual smart sensors.

Data Point – Global 5G Adoption

The total 5G connections in June 2023 grew to more than 1 billion, which is a lot faster than previous network technologies. But which region leads in 5G adoption and how will the global 5g adoptions vary and evolve with growing digitisation?

Watch this week’s datapoint with Pranjali Katiyar (Senior Research Analyst) to learn about the status of 5G in different regions of the world.

Datapoint – Digital Gaming Moves Up a Level

Consumers continue to increase their engagement in digital gaming with 58% of adults playing games on any device at least once per week.

Our latest gaming report provides insights into areas such as gaming engagement, smartphone gaming, gaming on consoles and XR devices, free versus paid-for gaming, gaming subscriptions, gaming mobile bundling, gaming as a 5G use case, live gaming (including esports), gaming as a metaverse activity and impact of advanced AI on gaming.

Datapoint from Anshu Goel – Lead Analyst

Download the report here