Sustainability Summit – Photo Gallery

Photos from the Sustainability Summit hosted by GSMA Intelligence at MWC Barcelona 2024.

Slides presented by Peter Jarich (GSMA Intelligence) can be found here.

Featured speakers:

Peter Jarich, Head of GSMA Intelligence, GSMA Intelligence

Manish Singh, CTO Telecom Systems Business, Dell Technologies

Subho Mukherjee, VP, Global Head of Sustainability, Nokia

Maya Ormazabal, Environment & Human Rights Director, Telefónica

Dr. Ali Taha Koç, CEO, Turkcell

Harrison Lung, Group Chief Strategy Officer, e& Group

Cristina Rodriguez, VP GM Wireless Access, Intel Corporation

Eehou Lim, Chief Technology Officer, XH Smart

Panch Chandrasekaran, Carrier Infrastructure Lead, Arm

Eddie Ramirez, VP, Marketing, Infrastructure Line of Business, Arm

Steven Moore, Head of Climate Action, GSMA

Kyriakos Exadaktylos, Head of Network Architecture Specifications & Energy Performance, Vodafone Group

Micaela Giuhat, Director, Emerging Technologies, Government Affairs, Microsoft

Aleyn Smith-Gillespie, Director, Carbon Trust

Sabri Albreiki, CTO, e& International

Bill Pfeifer, Edge Portfolio Messaging Director, Dell Technologies

Satellite and NTN Summit – Photo Gallery

Photos from the Satellite and NTN Summit at MWC Barcelona 2024.

The full recording and slides can be found here.

Featured speakers:

Tim Hatt, Head Of Research & Consulting, GSMA Intelligence

Ken Peterman, President & CEO, Comtech

Fran Bogle, Chief Revenue Officer, ORBCOMM

Libby Barr, Chief Operating Officer, Avanti

Anirban Chakraborty, CTO, Comtech

Amina Boubendir, Head of Research and Standardisation, Airbus Defence and Space

Tamer Kadous, VP, Terrestrial Networks, Globalstar

Antonio Franchi, Head of 5G/6G NTN Programme Office, European Space Agency

Dave Roscoe, Executive Vice President, Satellite Communications and Products, ORBCOMM

Matt Botwin, Principal, DLA Piper, LLP

Piotr Wesolowski, Senior Manager Space Partnerships, Deutsche Telekom AG

Maxime Flament, Chief Technology Officer, 5G Automotive Association (5GAA)

Bee Hayes-Thakore, VP, Marketing, Kigen

Brett Tarnutzer, Director, Satellite Policy, SpaceX

John Janka, Chief Officer, Global Government Affairs & Regulatory, Viasat

Natalia Vicente, Vice President Public Affairs, GSOA

Marc Rouanne, Executive Vice President & Chief Network Officer, DISH Wireless

Intelligence brief: Entering the edge compute era

Intelligence brief: Entering the edge compute era

Author: Silvia Presello

Edge computing has become something of a buzzword in the telecoms and tech industry. But why is edge computing important, and why are we talking about it now?

A recent study published by GSMA Intelligence and the Automotive Edge Computing Consortium (AECC) suggests advances in wireless technologies and businesses undergoing digital transformation are driving investments in edge computing. This is putting edge computing back in the spotlight. To provide a view of what is happening, GSMA Intelligence surveyed 400 executives across five groups from across the value chain: operators, cloud providers, vendors, systems integrators and car manufacturers.

Why it matters

Edge computing enables computing resources, such as those for storage and networking, to also run at the edge of the network instead of just in centralised public/private clouds. Through edge computing, AI/ML is deployed near the end user, enhancing the functionality of Internet of Things (IoT) and connected devices. Centralised clouds need the edge to unlock the full potential of AI/ML and leverage the vast amount of data generated by the increasing number of IoT connections. By 2030, there will be around 38 billion IoT connections that will need the edge with embedded AI/ML to run automation. Cellular connectivity is crucial for IoT use cases involving mobile assets such as cars, trains and trucks, making edge computing increasingly relevant to the 5G monetisation story.

Investment plans and strategy

The survey  demonstrates that overall sentiment towards edge technology is positive. Some 73% of survey respondents claim they will increase their year-on-year investments in edge computing. The medium increase across the ecosystem compared to the previous 12 months is expected to be 10–15%. This reflects that edge computing is becoming increasingly strategic for enterprise sales success.

Figure 1: A medium investment rise of 10–15%

Source: GSMA Intelligence

Revenue gains realised from deploying edge computing in connected vehicles are forecast to rise considerably over three years, with 15% of car manufacturers expecting to generate an uplift of 16–20%. Rising demand for connected vehicle services such as mobility-as-a-service, HD mapping, V2X, and other security applications is spurring growth in edge computing across the sector.  As well as automotive and transport, edge computing is becoming more widespread in sectors such as consumer electronics, media and smart cities. The growing popularity of the metaverse, remote operations, collaboration, e-games and e-sports is driving adoption of edge computing in consumer electronics.

Figure 2 Top industry verticals driving demand for edge computing

*Consumer electronics includes products such as laptops, tablets,  PCs, XR/VR devices, wearables, drones


The survey results suggest the main responsibility for bearing the costs of edge network deployment is placed on operators, reflecting that most of the edge costs are related to infrastructure. However, operator revenue growth is still mostly in the low single digits, and the cost of capital is above net income margins, posing headwinds for investments. No single player can deliver full edge computing network capabilities to enterprises or navigate alone the challenges that come with innovative technology. Partnerships will therefore be a key success factor. A host of partnerships with operators have already come about to this end.

Reports assessing edge computing are now online click here

Datapoint – GSMA Intelligence at CES2024

AI, Cars, TVs, AI, Gaming, AI, Connectivity and Insights (and AI).

CES 2024 saw around 130,000 attendees, including GSMA Intelligence analysts on the ground. The show has historically been a consumer-focused event, enterprise innovations also factor strongly across CES exhibits, announcements, and meetings. Join GSMA Intelligence analysts post-show commentary on the most important news spanning new consumer technologies, AI in devices and the enterprise sector, digital entertainment and automotive. 

Featured Analysts:

  • Peter Jarich, Head of GSMA Intelligence
  • Anshu Goel, Lead Analyst, Digital Consumer
  • Cesar Bachelet Lead Analyst, Fixed, TV and Convergence
  • Christina Patsioura Lead Analyst, IoT & Enterprise

Read the CES Spotlight report, including insights, meticulous analysis, and a comprehensive overview of the latest technological trends here.

Datapoint – RIS Innovations

This latest datapoint explores how RIS serves as a pivotal intermediate network element, strategically positioned between antennas and user equipment. Operators can now consider leveraging RIS to address coverage gaps with unprecedented efficiency.

In our comprehensive report, we delve into the advantages of RIS, particularly its compact and efficient nature, making it an ideal choice for rapid deployment in dense urban scenarios with higher frequencies. While every innovation comes with challenges, RIS emerges as a cost-effective solution for operators aiming to densify their networks.

Datapoint filmed by Lead Analyst, Emanuel Kota, at GSMA Intelligence.

Download the report here:

Datapoint – The Climate Connection

In this datapoint video, Jakub Zagdanski, Senior Economist at GSMA Intelligence, reveals a staggering data point: a delay in 5G spectrum assignment could lead to 10 million tons of additional carbon dioxide emissions in a medium-sized low-income country.

Key insights from our report ‘Spectrum Climate Connection” highlight that efficient spectrum use correlates with reduced carbon emissions and brings economic advantages to society. In contrast, inefficient spectrum policies may result in higher costs and a diminished adoption of emission-saving technologies.

Check out our report ‘Spectrum Climate Connection’ here:

Datapoint – Future of Devices

Hear from Anshu Goel, lead analyst for digital consumer at GSMA Intelligence, as he unveils the latest data point in our devices report.

Discover the evolving consumer behaviour, the impact of AI on smartphones, and the rise of mobile digital services, with a focus on the staggering 79% of smartphone users looking to upgrade.

Dive into the insights and explore the full report at

5G Summit: Emerging Use-Cases for Africa – full recording from MWC23 Kigali

Commercial 5G services have now expanded to every corner of the globe, transforming it into a truly global technology. As of September 2023, a total of 297 operators across 100 markets have launched 5G mobile services. By the end of this year, the number of 5G connections worldwide is expected to reach a staggering 1.5 billion, representing 17% of all mobile connections. Furthermore, 5G networks will cover over a third of the world’s population.

In Africa, the journey towards 5G is gaining momentum. Recent 5G network launches in Nigeria and Mozambique by Airtel and Vodacom, as well as 5G spectrum auctions in Namibia, Senegal, and Uganda, showcase the continent’s growing interest in this transformative technology. Currently, there are 27 5G operators in 16 African markets, and many more are expected to join in the coming months and years as governments and other stakeholders harness 5G to address some of society’s most pressing challenges. Hosted by GSMA Intelligence, the 5G Summit at MWC Kigali served as the premier platform for stakeholders to exchange ideas regarding efficient network deployment, innovative applications, and forward-looking regulations to drive 5G rollout and adoption.

In 2023, this summit brought together leaders and professionals from government, the mobile industry, and adjacent verticals. They shared their visions and expectations for the 5G era, making bold commitments towards realising 5G’s potential in Africa. The event featured insightful keynotes, engaging panel discussions, 5G showcases, and numerous networking opportunities.

Our distinguished speakers at the 2023 5G Summit included:

  • Kenechi Okeleke, Director at GSMA Intelligence
  • Angela Wamola, Head of Sub-Saharan Africa, GSMA
  • Hassan Jaber, Chief Operating Officer, MTN
  • Jocelyn Karakula, Network and Information Technology Director, Orange
  • Li Tao, President of Huawei Southern Africa Wireless Business, Huawei
  • Jidia Gasana, Enterprise Director, Airtel
  • Philip Besiimire, Managing Director, Vodacom Tanzania Plc
  • Frehiwot Tamru, CEO ethio telecom
  • Jean Philbert Nsengimana (Phil), Chief Digital Advisor, Africa CDC
  • Axel Hansmann, Director of Industrial IoT Security, Rohde & Schwarz
  • Caroline Kamaitha, Vice President Africa, Enterprise & Cloud, SES Satellites
  • Amir Abdelazim, Expert Partner, Detecon International
  • Elizabeth Migwalla, Vice President, International Government Affairs, Qualcomm
  • Léandre Berwa, Chief Executive Officer, SLS Energy
  • Afef Boulares, Manager Orange Fab
  • Geofrey Mutabazi, Co-Founder and CEO, Karaa Africa

We also extend our thanks to our sponsors, Detecon International, Huawei, SES Satellites, Rohde & Schwarz, and Qualcomm, for their invaluable support in making this event a resounding success.

Data Point – Huawei MBBF – 5.5G and Sustainability

GSMA Intelligence recently attended Huawei’s annual Mobile Broadband Forum, which took place October 10-11 in Dubai. In this edition of our DataPoint, the first of two covering our takeaways from the event, Peter Jarich is joined by Emanuel Kolta and Tim Hatt to unpack the messaging and demos related to the next generation of 5G services – what Huawei calls 5.5G.

What does that mean in practice? Can telcos monetise new services enabled by this network advancement? And, what does it mean for the sustainability agenda?

Read more about the research with Huawei here

Data Point – Green is Good for Business: Making the P&L Case

The financial case for going green in telecoms is about lower costs and higher revenues.

The financial case for going green in telecoms is about lower costs and higher revenues. Costs are a focal point, as energy is still a stubbornly high burden on profit and loss, at 20-40% of opex for the average operator.

The shift to renewables will help reduce this – but it takes time, so energy efficiencies are a priority. The green revenue story is less developed but equally important. This applies in the consumer segment (e.g. device-recycling schemes or bundling energy into mobile and/or broadband tariffs) and in the enterprise segment as part of digitisation programmes.

This Datapoint from Tim Hatt, expands on a recent report we published on the topic, which we expect to hear more on with COP28 approaching in December.

Read the related research here.