State of the IoT market: Survey Dashboard

State of the IoT market:

Discover our Survey Dashboard

In 2020, GSMA Intelligence launched a survey to 2,800 enterprises, across 18 markets and 8 verticals, to measure their IoT deployments and future adoption plans, their technology and partnership requirements, their challenges to deploying new IoT solutions, and their measures of success.

Following from an in-depth analysis of our survey results, we developed an interactive dashboard, allowing users to easily navigate our granular survey data, broken down by country and vertical.

In this short video demo, Sylwia Kechiche, Principal Analyst for GSMA Intelligence, walks you through some of the interesting findings and data snippets you can uncover from our survey dashboard, from the impact of Covid-19 on IoT deployments plans, to the status of already deployed IoT devices:

Click here for the full “State of the IoT market” survey dashboard

Any question or feedback? Contact Us!

Press Release: Operators must look beyond connectivity to increase share of $1.1 trillion IoT revenue opportunity

This is the official 2018 Mobile World Congress Americas website. We’re excited to start this journey with you, the event will be held in a few short months addressing North, Central and South American markets

London: The global Internet of Things (IoT) market will be worth $1.1 trillion in revenue by 2025 as market value shifts from connectivity to platforms, applications and services, according to new data from GSMA Intelligence. By that point, there will be more than 25 billion IoT connections (cellular and non-cellular), driven largely by growth in the industrial IoT market. The Asia Pacific region is forecast to become the largest global IoT region in terms of both connections and revenue.

Full Press Release